With our long record of assignments and experience, we decided to create our own business transformation model. This model is a guide to support our customers in their transformation & improvements journey, moving from value definition over program design to benefit realisation. We have framed The Independables’ business transformation experience in the VAPORS Model. With this blog, we’ll explain what the VAPORS acronym stands for.
The VAPORS Model consists of 6 stages:
– Value
– Assign
– Progress
– Output
– Results
– Supervision
The model starts with Value and ends with Results, while Supervision makes sure governance is in place during all stages. When the Results have been delivered, the Value stage starts again, making this model a cyclic process of continuous improvement. This model supports the strategic top-down approach (from Value to Output) as well as the bottom-up approach (Output to Value).
‘Value’ is what you want to achieve with your company strategy. The long-term goals represent the ‘dot on the horizon’. The clearer this value can be defined and put in perspective, the better it can be shared with relevant stakeholders and form the basis of a business transformation.
‘Assign’ is the result of evaluating all possible initiatives to realise the Value objectives. We do this by grouping these into portfolios and programs, adding resources, and defining the success criteria for each.
‘Progress’ is the execution of the programs and portfolios. Progress includes both projects that focus on realising specified deliverables, and initiatives to change behaviour and routines in operational processes.
‘Output’ are the deliverables of the Progress stage. For example, an improved process, implemented software, a new warehouse built, reduced throughput time. From the start, we clearly define deliverables from the start, deliver in time, and remain within budget and required quality.
‘Results’ come from the actual use of the deliverables from the Output stage and are measured over a longer period of time. Results trigger the desired change, as intended by the Value stage.
‘Supervision’ is the orchestration of the other five stages of our VAPORS Model. The links between the stages and the rhythm in which you go full cycle through the VAPORS stages determine the success and persistence of the required business transformations.
Where does your VAPORS journey start? That depends on your requirements, priorities, focus, and ambition. We believe that the greatest return will be achieved if all stages of our VAPORS Model will be followed. Triggering a continuous improvement cycle.
Call Jan (+31(0)6-51884701) or Leon (+31(0)6-10465285) to know more, or drop us an email with your thoughts at mail@theindependables.com.