We don’t follow is one of our principles that we feel strong about, mainly as it represents the importance of independent thinking. Blindly following project management methods like Prince2 or Agile/Scrum therefore is also not our preferred way of working. We understand their principles and use their processes and templates as a toolset whenever and how it fits the situation. Similarly, the “Project Management Body Of Knowledge” (PMBOK®) didn’t really appeal to us, as it didn’t seem to fit perfectly with the real life situations that we face every day.
Using generic mental models better suit us in daily life, both personally and professionally. We therefore even considered starting a platform to share knowledge on applying “mental models in project management”. And then came the PMBOK® v7 and especially the way it is explained by Nader K. Rad (one of the team members that wrote the book) in his video on YouTube (https://youtu.be/H8WMCq6BjoI).
The differentiation between predictive and adoptive, between output, outcome and value, the use of principles instead of processes, how to apply principles based on gained experience, … it all seamlessly fits with our view on project management. So, although we still feel strong about not following (as a principle), @ Nader K. Rad, you have another follower.