Since the official start of The Independables in March of this year, we have spoken to many people: businesses, partners, friends, consultants, family. They all are very interested to see and hear what we have been doing so far and how we’re progressing. How is the business, how many projects do we have, what kind of projects do we do, what is our pitch? All kinds of questions, that are very logical if you’re looking outside in. With this blog, I want to shed some light on our progress up till this day, the inside out view.
Our current portfolio of assignments holds four customers. With these different projects we can pay all our bills! And still leaves some time to work on our proposition like finalising frameworks, templates as well as to perform sales activities. As a starting company, you have to stay top of mind with your prospects, partners, and acquaintances.
So, our days will be mostly filled with Project Management activities for our customers and trying to connect with prospects and partners. The evenings will be used to build and extend our organisation The Independables. This is the time to (re)connect with old customers, friends, and even family to share our business model and vision. We know setting up a company is hard work, but we love the things we need to do, it is great fun and an excellent learning experience!
One of our recent established partnership is with a global operating company that is specialised in post merger integration. We truly believe that the M&A market is ready to explode, there is a lot of money waiting to find its way to the market. So projects to support the integration or disentanglement of companies in all kinds of areas (process, tools, people) will increase. The first signs look that promising that we need to look for additional resources to staff our future projects.
Yes, you read that correctly: we in the process of hiring our first employee! That is even quicker than expected. That forces us to think about the profile we want to hire to be able to post our first vacancy. As well as looking into primary and secondary personal benefits, do we follow the ‘old way’ of attracting new hires or do we dare to be bold, different, and outspoken? We tend to go for the latter option, for example to give a fee in which the employee can arrange a lot by him-/ herself. We truly believe the employee of the future wants to be able to make his/ her choices instead of being constrained in a straightjacket of fixed arrangements that do not fit anyone (for example pension funds arrangements).
We are well aware of the fact that hiring our first employee does challenge us on many levels and a lot needs to be arranged and established. But that is a luxury position we believe, the fact we need to hire is a sign of growth, a sign we made the best choice at the right time!
So, how are you doing? As you can imagine, we’re doing fine! Actually, we are doing more than fine, we’re going great. Will there be challenges along the road? Yes, for sure, we will experience unimagined situations, but that is what makes our lives and careers so challenging: never a dull moment. We’re in the place to define our service in such a way that suits our customers needs best. That is the thrill, setting up a company and slowly see it grow! That is what makes us get out of our beds each day, delivering the best service for our customers each day! We are doing and going great!
Speaking of which: want you join us and are you an experienced Program-/ Project Manager and not afraid to boost your career in a startup, so you can have the influence in the way we do things at The Independables? Please let us know, we’re happy to connect and discuss your ambitions and align with ours.
Contact me at or call me at +31(0)6-51884701 to discuss our offering!