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What is your new normal?

by | May 14, 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

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We’re dealing with this pandemic for over a year and finally the light at the end of the tunnel gets visible. A very tiny light, but it is visible and a promise to a new world. History never gets back, neither will we. The old normal is history and will not return, a new plateau of what we call ‘normal’ will arise, and we will get adjusted to it.

This constant change is all around us, every day and everywhere. Our bodies are different compared to yesterday, nature changes over and over, like the saying ‘you never cross the same river twice’. That applies to our business as well. Different kind of forces having an impact on our business, making small and significant changes necessary. External forces like politics, economics, pandemics, social, as well as internal forces like strategy changes, merger & acquisitions keep the organisation in a constant change. And the speed and impact of the change seems to increase over time.

How do we deal with these changes and the uncertainties that arise from these changes, what do we want? Most of all we want certainty in our personal and professional life, predictability. We plan all day long, how we spend today, where to go for holidays, how many products to produce, when to introduce a new product. As long as the future is predictable, we’re able to plan and set the plan in motion.

And when we do not know ourselves, we want someone to support our efforts. Someone who is experienced, who has gone through the pitfalls before, who can make use of standard frameworks and templates to make sure nothing will be left out of the process. To guarantee the planned outcomes and quality during the process and at the end of the process when the effect of the benefits need to come into place.

As experienced Program & Project Managers, we have developed our standards. Making use of what is out there and adjust where applicable to make it our own. When offering our services, we make use of the Business Transformation Framework, that covers many aspects to support companies in the transition from the current situation (Current Operating Model) to the required situation (Target Operating Model). Aspects covered by the Business Transformation Framework are:
– Strategy Planning & Execution
– Benefits Management
– Change Management
– Program & Project Management
All heavily supported by templates to guarantee a successful outcome. Using a proven methodology with the support of templates guides the activities, so nothing is forgotten, the organisation will be prepared for the changes at hand and the implementation will be performed as planned. Making sure that the expected benefits will occur.

What does that mean for our customers? What do they get? First they will get value for their investment. Realising the benefits when arriving at the target operating model makes sure the Return on Investment (ROI) is realised. The expected efficiency will be implemented and realised leaving the company in a better situation. Second, and as important as the first benefit, an approved, understood and accepted change by the organisation to make sure the change will stick after the Program has finished. The change from current to target situation will be embedded in the organisation and will start to feel like the ‘new normal’.

Changes are constant. Call us to see how we can make your journey predictable and successful!


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