The long expected new version of Project Management Body Of Knowledge (PMBOK, 7th Edition) finally has a release date. Sunday the 1st of August 2021, this new version will be available.
Why is that so important? Because it is a complete make-over compared to the previous versions (revolution versus evolution):
– A move from processes to (12) principles
– From descriptive to predictive and adaptive
– A move from Knowledge Areas to project performance domains
– An expanded list of tools & techniques
– And most important: adapted to the current way of working! A guidance on tailoring, governance and processes to fit current ways of working within projects
This new version has taken a long time to be finalised. First initiatives regarding a new edition started in 2019. Releases dates have been shifted from mid-2020 to beginning of 2021, with the final release date in August 2021. Project managers around the world were interested in this new version and asked for information. But stakeholder management by PMI was incredibly ignorant and change management badly applied.
Theory (PMBOK) and practice (projects) are two different worlds. As a starting project manager, you first learn the theory. But the real learning starts with your first projects, with the first delays, overruns, unexpected issues, an increasing backlog, hostile project members, political organisations, hidden agenda’s. The PMI project to develop this new version seems to hit a couple of issues along the way. An example that reality is more unruly compared to the theory.
The good news is that we have a release date! This new edition embraces the hybrid approach we as project managers need to take. Based on explanatory videos and news from PMI regarding the new edition, it appears that the make-over is for the best. It suits the dynamic world of project management much better and has more tools & techniques to support us. In other words, it reflects our current way of working and thinking in the field. That is a big compliment for the Project Management Institute (PMI).
I will order my copy as soon as it is available and study. To see what the new version has in store for us as project managers. And apply this new theory as soon as possible in our assignments.
Hello Jan,
I am curious to know what your first impressions are of the new PMBOK after its makeover.
Hello Ronald, I think the new approach of PMBOK is for the good. This new way of working is a much better fit with the agility and uncertainty in our world and therefor projects. So I really like the upgrade! What is your opinion?