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We don’t follow, we define (a sense of urgency)

by | Mar 17, 2021 | Blog | 1 comment

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It is March 2021, we’re a year in lockdown. Remote work, many Teams and Zoom calls, taking care of the kids and their education, a curfew…the situation seems hopeless. And for most people it is hard to deal with this uncertainty.

We just founded our new organisation The Independables. We’re delivering Program & Project Managers with years of experience in this area. And when I talk about this new business, people ask me “why now, why in this uncertain period?”.

For me, the uncertainty made one thing apparent. Talking to companies during the COVID-19 period made me realise that many companies struggle with the situation. The ability to create a scenario to see the impact on your business, what is my stock level, what is the expected new demand, can my suppliers deal with the situation? All sorts of questions where proper processes and supporting tooling would have provided an answer…quickly.

But most companies came to realise that the processes and systems did not pass this stress test. The need to change is there, there is a sense of urgency to deal with this situation. Increase the speed of communication, decrease the minimal required process steps, replace supporting IT systems, rethink your Supply Chain policies like stocking positions, number of suppliers.

Companies withheld investments last year for valid reasons. Customers are saving as well, the amount in saving accounts has increased enormously since last year. Once the signs of recovery from this pandemic are robust, and we’re back in control, investments will increase. Demand will rise, investments will pick up, the market for Mergers & Acquisitions will boom….and therefor the demand for experienced Program & Project Managers will increase.

Interested how we can support the transition of your organisation to the new normal? Please get in touch, and we’ll explain what we can offer….face to face or the well-known Teams or Zoom meeting. You can find us at

Jan Veerman

Managing Partner


1 Comment

  1. Ashleyt

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